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Transmission Grace
If you are new to this study group, please begin by reading the previous part of the transmission  before you join this part of the transmission
(click here: intro )
 ” Grace” , the frequency that lifts us to a different and higher level of being. “Grace is the levitating force of the universal consciousness, and we can see in those who have come in tune with existence, how they walk gracefully, talk gracefully, eat and sleep gracefully. Every one of their acts is full of grace and being near its vibration, we are uplifted.
This “being lifted up, is not something we “deserve” but it is a gift of grace.
We are so much loved.
Grace is the first frequency of the " Great Swan", the circle of frequencies nourishing the deepest core of our being.
Words cannot reach here.
nothing can describe what it is to receive "Grace".
All we can do is
to open up,  be grateful and "drink" what is being offered.
Then you KNOW!
Then there is no doubt.
you are filled
and lifted up
unto a higher reality than you have ever dreamed of....
So, my dear freinds,
are you ready,
can we begin?



Let us begin the Transmission









Preparation  10:00 am  


Now, if you feel ready, I will guide you through the process of receiving and absorbing the frequency.

I am sharing with you the timings which I have found to work well. This is just a proposal, of course, if you find a time frame that works better for you, just feel free to follow your own rhythm..


Make sure, you will not be disturbed during the time of receiving. It might be a good idea to tell your friends, that you are on a retreat, put your phone off, your answering machine on silent mode. Really allow yourself the luxury to have undisturbed time and space just for yourself. You are about to enter the sacred temple of your own being. Go slowly and with awe. Take yourself to your heart. In such an atmosphere you can easily and readily absorb the nourishing wavelength of the transmission.

Be aware to wear comfortable clothing, something flowing, which does not constrict you in any way, preferably in magenta or pink color or white. Your body receives the vibration of the color you wear through the skin, so you want to give it the correct frequency. The best color is of course the color of the frequency you are about to receive.White is the color which contains all the frequencies of the spectrum; so it will not interfere, but it will give space to whichever frequency you are about to receive.

Make your room tidy and beautiful. You know what feels right for you. Transform it into a temple, your own temple of light. It can be very simple; the only important thing is that you put all your love and joyful anticipation into the preparation.

Yes! That’s it. Wonderful!


For this transmission you will need:
a meditation cushion and blanket.
"Grace" crystal ball  (click to see

You can participate in this transmission alone or share the process with your friends. It is up to you. What makes you feel at ease is right.

(my personal feeling:  light transmission will be very enjoyable to share with a friend).


And now find the best place for your meditation cushion. Take a little while to walk around in your room, or just feel: where do you feel most comfortable and at ease? That`s your place.


Sit down. Close your eyes. And for a few moments just feel your body as it is resting here your own room, feeling relaxed and happy: soon it can receive the frequency it has been waiting for so long.



Invocation     earth-invocation-medium-3.jpg10:45 am


Hold the “Grace” crystal ball in your left hand or wear the pendant.

Allow yourself to feel how thirsty you are for the light.
Put all the urgency and longing you have into your invocation. It is your totality that pulls the frequency towards you.

·         Now stand up, with your arms raised to the sky. Close your eyes, feel your feet on the ground.
Feel your body standing here in your own temple of light.
Feel your arms and your palms open in the gesture of receptivity. Feel your breath going in and out.

Yes! That´s right!

·       Now speak in a voice loud enough, so you can hear your own voice easily and clearly.
Say your
 I am……. (your name)
Your name is your signature with which you sign your statement to existence. It states, that what you are saying now, has a weight, and you mean it with all your sincerity.

·       Now connect with someone you really trust. Maybe it is your master, or a dear friend, or a teacher, maybe a tree you love, maybe the sky… It does not matter, who it is. What matters is your trust. In trust you open and you become fully receptive.

Speak out loud:
And I am connected and in synchronicity with….. ( your trust)
I am now ready to receive the frequency of “Grace”.

In your own way thank existence for this transmission. Maybe you feel like bowing down?

Put all the urgency and longing you have into your invocation. It is your totality that pulls the frequency towards you.
Now the transmission begins and it will take roots in your meditation. There is nothing for you to do, it just happens.



Meditation creates the inner space of no-thing-ness inside, in which the frequency can take root and awaken your inner light.
Meditation is in fact the most important part of the transmission. Without meditation you will remain dependant on the "outer" frequency.

Our aim is, to USE the outer frequency to AWAKEN your dormant light WITHIN.



 Nadabrahma                             10:00 am


While meditating hold the " Grace" crystal ball in your hands, or wear the pendant.

Use the Nadabrahma music CD. It is very supportive.

The Nadabrahma meditation lasts one hour and there are three stages: 





Sit upright, with your legs crossed, yet in a very relaxed way. Your eyes and lips are closed. Start humming, loudly enough, so that you can hear your own voice, and that it can create a vibration throughout your body. You can visualize a hollow tube or empty vessel, filled only with the vibration of the humming. A point will come when the humming continues by itself and you become the listener. Breathe naturally. You can allow the pitch of your humming to alter naturally and move your body gently in a swaying motion, if you feel to.


  see a demo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZXIHXu18EQ



2.      15 MINUTES MUSIC


The second stage is divided into two parts of 7and half minutes each. In the first part, start making big circles with your arms. The movement begins with your hands near the navel, slowly moving forward, then, when your arms are stretched, divide them to make two large circles to both sides at the same time.

The movement should be so slow, that it might seem that you are not moving at all.


After 7and half minutes the music changes. Now your palms are facing downward, and you start making the circles in the opposite direction, starting from the navel, outwards to your sides, meeting in front of your body, and coming together at the navel.


As in the first stage, you can allow your body to sway gently.


see a demo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUvRFYgmqCg&NR=1





Sit or lie down. Be absolutely quiet and still.


After the final gong, slowly get up and take a break




Light Transmission         3:30 pm                                 




For the light transmission you need a small torch (white light)
You can do the light transmission by yourself or exchange with a partner.


Begin by speaking your invocation with your name and your trust and now I am ready to receive the " Grace "(if you are giving light transmission to a partner you would say: I am now ready to allow the "Grace" frequency to pass through me for the support of my partner….in your own words)


Make yourself comfortable in your session space. Make it really beautiful and fresh again. Light a candle. Put on some soft gentle music. Remember to treat yourself as if you are the most beloved person in your life. Treat yourself as a divine human being (which in fact you are), with love and respect.
If you work with a partner, remember to treat him or her as if, she/he is the most beloved person in your life. Treat her as a divine human being (which I fact she/he is), with love and respect.


For the light transmission you let the light of your torch shine through the energized ball or t pendant. Place the ball or pendant on your body, anywhere where it feels good. If you are exchanging with a friend, ask him or her where he/she would like to receive the light.



Just try. Let the light shine through the gemstone. The light releases the stored frequency and guides it into your body. You feel it. It is a beautiful sensation, when the light enters your body. It does not matter on which part of your body you receive the light transmission. What matters is, that it feels good. Stay at the spot with ball/pendant and light for as long as it feels good. After a while you might want to change the spot. Follow that feeling. Your feeling is your guide. Allow what feels good. Never stay where it does not feel good.

It takes about 20 minutes until your body has absorbed all of the light.




Your " Four PInks" rose quartz ball or pendant will always carry the frequency, no matter how often you transmit the light. It never gets empty. But you always get nourished. Such is the mystery of life.


Take a break. And drink lots of water!




and now the ending  MEDITATION for today            5:00 pm             



Use the Kundalini music CD as a support.
Kundalini acts like an energetic shower, softly shaking you free of your old energy patterns and leaving you refreshed and mellow.


Kundalini meditation lasts for one hour and has four stages, three with music, and the last in silence.

see a demo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ipKhTbLyMM


First Stage: 15 minutes

Be loose and let your whole body shake, feeling the energies moving up from your feet. Let go everywhere and become the shaking. Your eyes may be open or closed.

“Allow the shaking; don’t do it. Stand silently, feel it coming and when your body starts trembling, help it but don’t do it. Enjoy it, feel blissful about it, allow it, receive it, welcome it, but don’t will it.
“If you force it will become an exercise, a bodily, physical exercise. Then the shaking will be there but just on the surface; it will not penetrate you. You will remain solid, stone-like, rock-like within. You will remain the manipulator, the doer, and the body will just be following. The body is not the question – you are the question.
“When I say shake, I mean your solidity, your rock-like being should shake to the very foundations so that it becomes liquid, fluid, melts, flows. And when the rock-like being becomes liquid, your body will follow. Then there is no shaker, only shaking. Then nobody is doing it; it is simply happening. Then the doer is not.” Osho



Second Stage: 15 minutes

Dance, any way you feel, letting the whole body move as it wishes. Again, your eyes can be open or closed.



Third Stage: 15 minutes

Close your eyes and be still, sitting or standing, observing, witnessing, whatever is

happening inside and out.



Third Stage: 15 minutes

Close your eyes and be still, sitting or standing, observing, witnessing, whatever is happening inside and out.





For the next 21 days

Continue with at least one invocation/meditation with "Grace" a day. It takes time for the mind to accept the new reality which you have found.
To anchor the frequency deeply into your system, continue this meditation for 3 months (or more, if you enjoy)
Write a diary. You will have many new ideas and much insight. Write it down. Our minds tend to forget the new. But we want to remember now.

May all the blessing be with you,
may your life be blissful
and may every one of your days be filled
with love and light......