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Category in 'Pendants'
Highest Protection crystal pendants
Highest protection on all levels of being. 
 such  a wonderful support, we all need it!
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Circle of Light pendants
Light in everyday life
Gemstone pendants energized
with the frequencies to nourish and awaken the body/ mind.
A wonderful support in every day life.
Recharging your batteries easily and joyfully,
just by wearing the energized pendants.
Crystal Pendants- Circle of Grace and Great Swan
Nourishment for the spiritual heart and the depth of being.
These pendants are energized
and are an immeasurable support for anyyone
who wants to go deep on a jouney
to the depth of his/ her own being.
They nourish and enlighten and support our spiritual heart.
Healing pendants
These pendants are energized with the "Healing Spirit"
a very deep and powerful, yet very gentle healing frequency
Love and Gratitude
Helps to rconnect to the space of love and gratidude.
With love and gratitude our lives take on a new depth and we are connected to all the goodness of life.
Sisterhood of the Wise Women
helps to reconnect to sisterhood of  the wise women and their long forgotten wisdom and power